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Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay - Nintendo DS

Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay - Nintendo DS


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About Product

Based on the popular Marvel comic series and set during the events and inspired by the motion picture, Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay delivers high-octane action, bringing each scene and character to life in crisp, high-resolution detail. Select which superhero you want to be and then utilize a specific set of abilities to beat enemies with ease. Take on the persona of a popular comic book superhero in Big Hero 6, choosing from Hiro, Baymax, Wasabi No Ginger and Gogo Tamago. Each character has an individual set of powers that are specifically tailored to effectively fight an assortment of enemies and withstand environmental hazards. Work your way through 20 story levels in four separate worlds, which highlight the locales and rich environment of San Fransokyo. Complete 20 new challenges in Challenge mode versions of each story level. Along the way, collect hidden items that have the power to unlock much-needed upgrades. Go up against three Epic Bosses based on Yokai's imagination, drawing from your unique abilities to come out victorious. Fight enemies and experience action-packed gameplay in Big Hero 6.